I being parent/guardian of the said child understand that whilst every precaution will be taken to ensure the good welfare and protection of my child/ren, Port City Christian Church, its staff and volunteers acting on behalf are hereby released from any and all liability in the event of any accident or misfortune, damage or loss that may occur to the child and their property unless such injury results from a failure in the duty of care of Port City Christian Church, or any individual staff or voluntary leader.
In the case of an emergency, I hereby give permission to the First Aid Staff to ensure proper treatment for my child. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me before instituting such procedures. I agree to pay all such doctor, ambulance and hospital fees incurred on behalf of my child. I have provided any health information about my child that the First Aid Staff need to know.
Our Participation Agreement applies to all children participating in Port City Christian Church Children's Church program. This Agreement explains the expectations and responsibilities of all Children whilst participating in Port City Christian Church's programs. This Agreement is to be explained and discussed with all Children before they commence in a program by their parent/guardian so the child understands the behavioural expectations of the agreement.
All Children participating in Port City Christian Church's Children's programs agree;
We will be respectful and kind to everyone and welcome new children joining the group
We will join in and try out best
We will follow leaders directions and play by the rules
We will stay where we can be seen by our leaders
We will let our leader know if we feel unsafe, upset or unwell
We will let our leader know if someone else is hurt
I being the parent/guardian of the said child have discussed the participation agreement with my child and hereby give my consent that my child/ren may participate in any activities they choose over the course of Children's Church or Revolution Youth programs.
Children's Church/ Revolution Youth will provide supervision at parent pick-up point at the venue. No child under 8 will be allowed to leave the venue until they are picked up by their parent/guardian. It is an essential term of Children's Church/ Revolution Youth registration that where parents do not collect their children from the supervised pickup point, then Port City Christian Church, its employees and volunteers as organisers of Children's Church/ Revolution Youth take no responsibility for any child leaving the supervised site for whatever reason.
I authorise that my child (if aged 8 and over) to sign themselves in/out of the Port City Christian Church Children's Church/Youth program at the suitable times.
I being the parent/guardian of the said child hereby give my consent for my child/ren to be captured in both photographs and video at Children's Church or Revolution Youth for use in printed promotional material, church website and social media.
High School Aged Children - Connect Leader Phone Contact
I being the parent/guardian of the said child hereby give my consent for my child to be contacted by phone by his or her connect leader. I understand that the connect leader will speak to me first before speaking to my child so that I am aware of who is talking with my child.
Primary School Aged Children - Paper Mail Contact
I being the parent/guardian of the said child hereby give consent for my child to be contacted by mail by a Children's Church leader with communications such as birthday cards, get well soon cards and invitations to special events.
All our policies can be accessed by contacting the Port City Church Office at 12 McCann Street, Gladstone Phone: 0456 247 934 or email: reception@portcitycc.org.au
Port City Christian Church is committed to protecting the privacy of an individuals information. Our Privacy Policy covers how we collect, use, disclose, and store your information and is available at the Port City Christian Church Office. To participate in certain programs or activities, Port City Christian Church needs to collect some information from those who want to be involved with our church, enabling us to communicate with them and provide the requested service. To request access to your information, contact the Port City Christian Church Office.
The behaviour management of a child whilst involved in our programs is the responsibility of the leader in charge and/or the Childrens Church Ministry Coordinator. Serious behaviours; which may require action outside the program, such as suspensions, will be brought to the attention of the Childrens Church Ministry Coordinator if required. A Children's Church Leader is required to respond appropriately rather than react negatively. Positive encouragement is always better than negative punishment. In the event that a Child does not follow the above policy/agreement or their behaviour is unacceptable then the following strategy will be implemented;
Address the child by name and ask them to change their behaviour in that situation, whilst always being quiet, firm and clear.
Parallel Positive - Compliment good behaviour rather than focusing on only bad behaviour.
Discuss the participation agreement and explain where they are not complying. Provide a choice for the child or young person to comply. Provide effective warning to include number of remaining opportunities to comply. In-class action, time out (1min/year age with appropriate supervision)
If child behaviour continues to be unacceptable (or is deemed so serious as to pose a risk to themselves or others), parent/guardian will be notified and asked to remove the child or young person from the group and be notified of expectations on their return.