We love children! We have a great range of fun programs for ages 2-13 years, to encourage the next generation into loving God, His church and those around them. Our programs are held on a Sunday and run in conjunction with our 10:30am church services.
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."
- Proverbs 22:6
Our Children's Church programs run during our 10:30am service. The 8:30am service does not have a Children's Church Program running, children will be required to sit with parents in the service.
All children are required to be checked in and checked out by parents/guardians. Check in for all children is located in the pergola outside our hall. Check in times are between 10:15–10:30am. Children are then to be collected at the end of the church service by 11:45am. Morning tea will not be provided whilst the current COVID restrictions apply.
Parents/Guardians are required to complete the Children's Church Enrolment Form annually, to ensure your child/ren are taken care of to the best of our ability. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to update Port City Christian Church with any medical information that changes within the year.
Little Praisers I Ages 2 - 3 years
Meeting Room 1 (located at the back of the church auditorium - enter through external door)
A play-based program that introduces very young children to the truth of God's word through play, praise and simple craft activities.
God's Champions I Ages 4 - 5 years
Meeting Room 2 (located at the back of the auditorium - enter through external door)
A fun-filled program designed to provide a firm foundation in God’s truth through Bible stories, craft activities, games, praise and worship, prayer and offering time.
World Changers I Ages 6 - 11 years
Hall (Hall is the building behind the main church building)
Children are offered a dynamic, relevant program which includes the teaching of Bible truths, praise & worship, prayer, games and an opportunity to give.
Little Ones I Ages 0 - 2 years
Parents Room (Located at the back of the church auditorium, beside the sound desk)
We offer a parent’s room for those with little ones who aren’t quite old enough for our kids programs and may need a break from the service. Our parents’ room is positioned at the back of the church (entry beside the sound desk). The room includes a separate nursing mothers’ space, a playroom, change facilities and toilet facilities. Due to the one person/4m2 rule there will be limits as to how many can be in the room at a time. You don’t have to miss out on the service, with a speaker system available to listen in.
Please note once COVID restrictions are lifted, we will have a separate nursing mothers’ room to the parents room.
YPs (Young Peoples) I Ages 12 - 13 years
Church Meeting Room (Located at the end of the bathrooms hallways)
YP’s go through a fun discipleship program covering the foundations of our faith and a range of life application studies. This program transitions our young people from our kids program in to church life. YP’s is held after the praise and worship of our main service, every Sunday during terms one and two and fortnightly during terms three and four.
Have a question about our Children's Church program? Ask us, we're here to help.